Ipek Ozkardeskaya, an analyst at Swissquote, said in a note that the euro was struggling against the dollar as eurozone government bond yields retreated from recent highs and ahead of Mr. Trump's inauguration on Monday. Mr. Trump is expected to announce a series of growth-boosting policies that could lead to inflation and potentially boost the dollar. At the same time, falling bond yields, the prospect of further interest rate cuts by the European Central Bank, and concerns about high debt level...
瑞讯银行的分析师 Ipek Ozkardeskaya 在一份报告中表示,随着欧元区国债收益率从近期高点回落,以及在特朗普周一就职典礼之前,欧元兑美元走势艰难。预计特朗普将宣布一系列刺激经济增长的政策,这些政策可能会导致通货膨胀,并可能提振美元。 与此同时,债券收益率的下降、欧洲央行进一步降息的前景以及对许多欧元区国家高债务水平的担忧,可能会使欧元继...
Ipek Ozkardeskaya, an analyst at Swissquote Bank, said the dollar fell as investors expected Federal Reserve Chairperson Jerome Powell to signal an imminent rate cut at the Jackson Hole seminar on Friday, but the weakness appeared to be overdone. She said the US economy had performed better than most other countries, and that alone did not justify the Fed cutting interest rates more than other central banks in the coming months.
瑞讯银行分析师Ipek Ozkardeskaya表示,由于投资者预计美联储主席鲍威尔将在周五举行的杰克逊霍尔研讨会上明确发出即将降息的信号,美元下跌,但疲软似乎过头了。她说,美国经济的表现好于大多数其他国家,仅凭这一点,美联储在未来几个月就没有理由比其他央行更大幅度地降息。